Boat Questions

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What does my hull number mean?

Using this example hull number, you can learn more about your boat from the hull number: BIYB23CUF506 BIYB - MANUFACTURERS CODE 23 - BOAT SERIAL NUMBER CU - MODEL REFERENCE NUMBER F5 - MONTH AND YEAR THE BOAT WAS MADE 06 - MODEL YEAR OF THE BOAT i.e. the “C506” shows that the boat was made in “F” which is [...]

Where can I find my boat hull number?

For most brands, the hull identification number (more commonly known as HIN), is found on the starboard aft quarter just below the gunwhale line. It is most often on the transom but in more recently years where extended swim platforms have become more popular, it can be on the hull sides. Here is a Bayliner [...]


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